The primary goal of KM Lacrosse is to develop a positive environment where athletes are able to learn and develop the skills needed to play competitive lacrosse.
Yes, it's a no brainer that kids need to gain the skills in order to play competitively now and into the future. However, let’s dig a little deeper into what we mean by a "positive environment" and why it matters.
We believe:
Teams that play for a great fanbase, win a lot of games.
Teams that play for a great coach, win a lot of games.
Teams that play for each other, win championships.
Since our inception, few have won as many state championships as KM Lacrosse. In fact, boys varsity has won 3 out of the last 6 state championships.
Winning isn’t everything, nor are championships, but they serve as evidence. Evidence of a core belief that playing for each other - playing and working towards a common goal as a family - transcends skill and talent. Kids work harder, dream bigger, show more heart on the field and simply accomplish more when they play for one another.
It’s bigger than fans in the stands, bigger than the support system off the field. Our kids lives are enriched when they form bonds with their teammates. They have each others’ backs. They win together and lose together. When one scores a goal, wins a faceoff/draw, saves a shot on goal or forces a turnover, they all succeed and celebrate. Together. When they fall short, they pick each other up. This is what really matters, and it’s something that will carry with them throughout their lives.

Mike Magill
V/JV Head Coach
John Ramage
V/JV Asst. Coach
Joe Greenspan
V/JV Asst. Coach
Robyn Schanau
V/JV Asst. Coach
Paige Freeman
V/JV Asst. Coach
Chuck Dulde
V/JV Asst. Coach
Ryan Cynkar
V/JV Head Coach
Kellen Asmundson
V/JV Offense Coor.
Sam Shaver
V/JV Asst. Coach
Auggie Hengel
V/JV Asst. Coach
Diego Smilanich
V/JV Asst. Coach
Jason Davidowski
Austin Mautz
Vice President
Kelly Jarvis
Christine Anderson
Mark Johansen
Dir. of Operations
Heather Renno
Girls Youth Coor.
Tom Stoll
Boys Youth Coor.
Jaime Dretzka
Events Coor.
Wade Kohlmann
Marketing Director